你想知道的 vfork(2) 的全部


1. 为啥会有vfork(2)这个东西?

man page中说得很清楚:

However, in the bad old days a fork(2) would require making a complete copy
of the caller’s data space, often needlessly, since usually immediately afterwards an
exec(3) is done. Thus, for greater efficiency, BSD introduced the vfork() system call…
This system call will be eliminated when
proper system sharing mechanisms are implemented. Users should not
depend on the memory sharing semantics of vfork() as it will, in that
case, be made synonymous to fork(2).
2. 为什么使用vfork(2)的限制有那么多?
the behavior is undefined if the process created by vfork()
either modifies any data other than a variable of type pid_t used to
store the return value from vfork(), or returns from the function in
which vfork() was called, or calls any other function before success-
fully calling _exit(2) or one of the exec(3) family of functions.



3. 什么时候我应该使用vfork(2)而不是fork(2)?
