
Dracut: Introduction and Overview

这是我今年去日本参加 LinuxCon 要讲的,主要是最近在做的一些和 dracut 相关的东西。

Slides 可以在这里下载:dracut.pdf

另外,今年日本 LinuxCon 的会议日程在这里。今年没有 Linus 大神了,他去年去参加果然是因为 Linux 20周年的原因。

抱怨一句:好羡慕 akong 他们部门,公司赞助参加 KVM Forum,光去听就可以。不像我这样,没有要讲的东西连去都去不了;就算有东西要讲,公司也不赞助,费用都是回来找 Linux Foudation 包销;开会三天还不能算工作日……唉,同一个公司的人出去开会差距怎么这么大呢……

Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm

Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm 是一个经典的算法,用来检测一个链表中是否有环这种问题。因为它使用了两个指针,快的指针被称为兔子,慢的指针被称为乌龟,所以这个算法又被称为“龟兔算法”。

Emacs 源代码中有它的一个完美实现,我们可以看 src/eval.c 中的 signal_error()。

/ Signal `error’ with message S, and additional arg ARG.
If ARG is not a genuine list, make it a one-element list.

signal_error (s, arg)
char *s;
Lisp_Object arg;
Lisp_Object tortoise, hare;

hare = tortoise = arg;
while (CONSP (hare))
hare = XCDR (hare);
if (!CONSP (hare))

  hare = XCDR (hare);
  tortoise = XCDR (tortoise);

  if (EQ (hare, tortoise))

if (!NILP (hare))
arg = Fcons (arg, Qnil); / Make it a list. /

xsignal (Qerror, Fcons (build_string (s), arg));

上面有一些 lisp “词汇” 可能你看不懂,翻译成你看得懂的代码如下。


list_has_cycle(NODE list)
tortoise, *hare;

hare = tortoise = list;
while (hare)
hare = hare->next;
if (!hare)

  hare = hare->next;
  tortoise = tortoise->next;

  if (hare == tortoise)

if (hare)
return true;

return false;


整数溢出大家都不陌生,可能陌生的是 gcc 对带符号整数溢出的处理。


A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow,
because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned
integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the
largest value that can be represented by the resulting type.

换句话说,无符号整数的溢出总是 wrap 回去的,但依旧在无符号整数的表示范围内。


If an exceptional condition occurs during the evaluation of an expression (that is, if the
result is not mathematically defined or not in the range of representable values for its
type), the behavior is undefined.

实际上(使用二进制补码),如果溢出的话,两个正数结果会变成负数,超出了正数本身的范围。wikipedia 中如此说:

Most computers distinguish between two kinds of overflow conditions. A carry occurs when the result of an addition or subtraction, considering the operands and result as unsigned numbers, does not fit in the result. Therefore, it is useful to check the carry flag after adding or subtracting numbers that are interpreted as unsigned values. An overflow proper occurs when the result does not have the sign that one would predict from the signs of the operands (e.g. a negative result when adding two positive numbers). Therefore, it is useful to check the overflow flag after adding or subtracting numbers that are represented in two’s complement form (i.e. they are considered signed numbers).

正是因为“未定义”,所以 gcc 会大胆地做出一些可能令你吃惊的优化。看下面的例子:




int wrap(int a) {
return (a + 1 > a);

int main(void) {
printf(“%sn”, wrap(INT_MAX) ? “no wrap” : “wrapped”);

很好理解,可是 gcc 完全可以如此生成 wrap() 函数的代码:

00000000004004f0 :
4004f0: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
4004f5: c3 retq

因为 gcc 假设了带符号的整数从来不会溢出,所以”a + 1 > a” 总会是真,所以直接返回1!这么做完全符合标准,但不符合我们的期待。我们期望 wrap() 函数能够检测是否会溢出。

为此,gcc 引入了几个相关的命令行选项:-fwrapv,-fstrict-overflow/-fno-strict-overflow,-Wstrict-overflow。简单地说,-fstrict-overflow 就是告诉编译器,带符号整数溢出是未定义的,你可以假设它不会发生,从而继续做优化。而 -fwrapv 是说,带符号整数的溢出是定义好的,就是 wrap,你按照这个定义来编译。gcc 文档中提到:

Using -fwrapv means that integer signed overflow is fully defined: it wraps. When -fwrapv is used, there is no difference between -fstrict-overflow and -fno-strict-overflow for integers. With -fwrapv certain types of overflow are permitted. For example, if the compiler gets an overflow when doing arithmetic on constants, the overflowed value can still be used with fwrapv, but not otherwise.

我们加上 -fno-strict-overflow 之后再去编译上面的代码,结果明显不同:

00000000004004f0 :
4004f0: 8d 47 01 lea 0x1(%rdi),%eax
4004f3: 39 f8 cmp %edi,%eax
4004f5: 0f 9f c0 setg %al
4004f8: 0f b6 c0 movzbl %al,%eax
4004fb: c3 retq

而对于使用二进制补码的机器来说,-fwrapv 和 -fno-strict-overflow 只有细微的区别: -fno-strict-overflow 只是说不去优化,而-fwrapv 明确地定义了溢出的行为。

Linux 内核中曾经出现一个相关的 bug,是 Linus 大神出手搞定了,他说道:

It looks like ‘fwrapv’ generates more temporaries (possibly for the code
that treies to enforce the exact twos-complement behavior) that then all
get optimized back out again. The differences seem to be in the temporary
variable numbers etc, not in the actual code.

So fwrapv really is different from fno-strict-pverflow, and disturbs the
code generation more.

IOW, I’m convinced we should never use fwrapv. It’s clearly a buggy piece
of sh*t, as shown by our 4.1.x experiences. We should use

所以编译 Linux 内核时使用的是 -fno-strict-overflow。

Red Hat 内核测试招聘(第二季)

Red Hat 北京的内核测试组正在招人,现有3个实习的职位和5个全职的职位。欢迎来应聘,也欢迎来明年毕业的同学来实习。

工作地点都是北京中关村。感兴趣的同学可以把你的英文简历直接发给我:xiyou 点 wangcong 在 gmail 点 com,邮件中请注明应聘的是哪个职位。虽然我不在测试组,但我会帮你转发简历。:-)


Intern 1:

Job Description:

The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for intern to test
Linux kernel. Responsibilities include:

  • Testing kernel bugs, areas can be network(protocol, NIC driver,
    bonding, vlan, bridge, tunnel), file systems(ext4, xfs, btrfs, nfs,
    autofs), time/clock related, scheduler, infiniband, linux container,
  • Writing and executing test cases and analyzing results.
  • Debugging software problems.
  • Investigating kernel features.


  • Knowledge in general Linux usage
  • Decent debugging, troubleshooting, analytical skills.
  • Intermediate to advanced scripting skills(Bash, python or equivalent languages).
  • Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
  • Knowledge in network or file systems or time mechanism in kernel are strong plus.
  • At least 5 months, at least 3 days per week.

Keywords: kernel; testing

Intern 2:

Job Description:

The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for intern to test
Linux file system. Responsibilities include:

  • Testing file system bugs, including both local file system and network file system.
  • Writing and executing test cases and check results.
  • Debugging software problems.
  • Investigating file system features.


  • Knowledge in general Linux usage
  • Decent debugging, troubleshooting, analytical skills.
  • Some bash scripting skill.
  • Decent knowledge in one or more file systems(ext2/3/4, xfs, btrfs,nfs, cifs, autofs).
  • Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
  • At least 5 months, at least 3 days per week.

Keywords: kernel; file system; testing

Intern 3:

Job Description:

The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for intern to test
Linux network. Responsibilities include:

  • Testing network bugs, including NIC drivers and protocols.
  • Writing and executing test cases and check results.
  • Debugging software problems.

Job Requirements:

  • Knowledge in general Linux usage
  • Decent debugging, troubleshooting, analytical skills.
  • Some bash scripting skill.
  • Familiar with linux network concept and configurations.
  • Familiar with NIC drivers is a strong plus.
  • Familiar with network protocols(TCP/UDP/IGMP,etc)
  • Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
  • At least 5 months, at least 3 days per week.

Keywords: kernel; network; testing

Regular Job 1:
Job Description:
The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for engineer to test
linux kernel network, including network protocols, NIC drivers, bonding,
vlan, bridge, etc. You need to search for, analyze, report, track kernel
network defects and verify bug fixes. You should be a self motivated
person and have passion in finding bugs/defects in linux network.

Responsibilities include:

  • Review and test bugs
  • Investigate network implementation and new features, write or update test plans
  • Write test cases according to test plans or automate bug reproducer
  • Execute test cases and analyze result
  • Communicate with developer and other stake holder about testing gaps and cover them

Required Skills:

  • Middle or above level of skills and background in Linux.
  • Knowledge in network(protocols, NIC driver, bonding, vlan, bridge)
    implementation, and familiar with network related concepts and
  • Must be a flexible self-motivated person who would like to take responsibilities.
  • Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
  • Be willing to coordinate with others.

Regular Job 2:
Job Description:
The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for QE lead for Linux
kernel testing. You will test the kernel and communicate/coordinate with
developers and other QEs including assigning tasks. We are looking for
an experienced QA Engineer with strong technical and coordinating
skills . You must be a flexible and self-motivated person who can work
under pressure and implement jobs in tight schedule.

Responsibilities include:

  • Review kernel bugs and do initial analysis and assign them to proper QE owners
  • Be responsible for certain kernel areas: create/maintain test plans, write test cases, test bugs and automate/write bug reproducers
  • Communicate with various teams/stakeholders for technique and coordinating problems
  • Communicate with developer and other stakeholders about testing gaps
    and cover them

Required Skills:

  • A minimum of 2 years of professional experience is required
  • Strong skills and background in Linux
  • Strong debugging, troubleshooting, analytical skills
  • Wide-ranging of linux kernel knowledge
  • Must be a flexible self-motivated person who would like to take
  • Be willing to communicate and coordinate with others, ability to work
    collaboratively with multiple teams
  • Adapted to flexible working hours

Regular Job 3:
Job Description:
The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for engineer to test
linux file systems, including btrfs, xfs, ext4, etc. You need to search
for, analyze, report, track kernel file system defects and verify bug
fixes. You should be a self motivated person and have passion in finding
bugs/defects in linux file systems.

Responsibilities include:

  • Investigate file system implementation and new features, write or update test plans
  • Write test cases according to test plans
  • Execute test cases and analyze result
  • Review and test bugs
  • Communicate with developer and other stake holder about testing gaps
    and cover them

Required Skills:

  • Middle or above level of skills and background in Linux.
  • Knowledge in file system(ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, btrfs) implementation, and familiar with file system related concepts and operations.
  • Must be a flexible self-motivated person who would like to take responsibilities.
  • Have passion and desire for testing and examining how things work internally.
  • Be willing to coordinate with others.

Regular Job 4:
Job Description:
The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for engineers to
search for, analyze, report, track defects and verify bug fixes in the
Linux kernel. We are looking for an experienced QA Engineer with strong
technical skills. You must be a flexible self-starter who can come up to
speed quickly with new technologies and can adapt to a growing and
evolving team.

Responsibilities include:

  • Review bugs and develop/automate bug reproducers and regression test cases according to the patch(es)
  • Run existing test cases and analyze results
  • Finding kernel testing gaps and investigate/create test plans for kernel functions
  • Investigating new features
  • Debugging software problems

Required Skills:

  • Strong skills and background in Linux
  • Strong debugging, troubleshooting, analytical skills
  • Adequate knowledge in linux kernel
  • Familiar with C/shell programming
  • Strong passion and desire for testing and examining how things work
  • Be willing to coordinate with others

Regular Job 5:
Job Description:
The Quality Engineering team at Red Hat is looking for engineer to test
linux kernel network, including network protocols, NIC drivers, bonding,
vlan, bridge, etc. You need to search for, analyze, report, track kernel
network defects and verify bug fixes. You should be a self motivated
person and have passion in finding bugs/defects in linux network.

Responsibilities include:

  • Review and test network bugs
  • Write test cases according to network test plans and automate bug reproducers
  • Execute test cases and analyze result
  • Investigate network features an create test plans
  • Debug software problems and create tools if needed

Required Skills:

  • Middle or above level of skills and background in Linux.
  • Familiar with network(protocols, NIC driver, bonding, vlan, bridge) concepts and configurations, knowledge in network implementation is a plus.
  • Must be a diligent self-motivated person and be patient with trivial work.
  • Be willing to coordinate with others.

A poem about division

From: Hacker’s Delight Author: Henry S. Warren

I think that I shall never envision
An op unlovely as division.

An op whose answer must be guessed
And then, through multiply, assessed;

An op for which we dearly pay,
In cycles wasted every day.

Division code is often hairy;
Long division’s downright scary.

The proofs can overtax your brain,
The ceiling and floor may drive you insane.

Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero,
But even God can’t divide by zero!

为什么 bool 只是一个宏

可能你也会感到吃惊,在C99/C11标准中,bool 的定义居然是个宏,而不是 typedef 类型!

C11 第 7.18 节中明确提到: The macro “bool” expands to _Bool.

而且 false 和 true 也是宏……不过,它下面接着有解释:

Notwithstanding the provisions of 7.1.3, a program may undefine and perhaps then
redefine the macros bool, true, and false.

可见之所以把它们定义成宏是为了让用户可以重定义,想必在C99 之前应该有不少C程序都自己定义了 bool,false 和 true 吧!而且第 7.31.9 节中说这个以后会去掉:

The ability to undefine and perhaps then redefine the macros bool, true, and false is
an obsolescent feature.


undef bool

define bool bool

typedef _Bool bool;


From: http://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2011/06/a-crab-canon-for-douglas-hofstadter.html


SEASIDE CANON, for Douglas Hofstadter

by Julia Galef

The ocean was still.
In an empty sky, two gulls turned lazy arcs, and
their keening cries echoed
off the cliff and disappeared into the sea.
When the child, scrambling up the rocks, slipped
out of her parents’ reach,
they called to her. She was already
so high, but those distant peaks beyond —
they called to her. She was already
out of her parents’ reach
when the child, scrambling up the rocks, slipped
off the cliff and disappeared into the sea.
Their keening cries echoed
in an empty sky. Two gulls turned lazy arcs, and
the ocean was still.

A Programmer's Poem

From: http://edweissman.com/53640595
Author: Ed Weissman

My friends all think
that I’m a neb
Cause I spend much time
here on the web

The good things here
I do not abuse
Except lots of time
on hacker news

I don’t read reddit
I will not digg
I’m not on facebook
My work’s too big

I do not text
I do not tweet
I just work on
Things that are neat

I check email
throughout the day
But there are no games
that I will play

My phone’s on vibrate
I do not chat
My work is really
Where it’s at

Knuth and Turing
are my big heroes
I love to move
Ones and zeros

My head is down
I’m in the mode
Don’t bother me
I have to code

Those who need me
leave voicemail
I’m much too busy
trying not to fail

I learn on-line
and from my schools
But I must avoid
all sorts of trolls

I can’t believe
I wrote this ode
When I have so much
I have to code

I’m not an addict
I have no drug
I’ve got to go
To fix a bug