

一首是Charlene Burris的《I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO ME》,歌曲中饱含幽怨,描述了一个女人的沧桑经历,是在劝告别人,但又似乎是在劝告自己。她说自己虽然到过所谓的快乐“天堂”,却从来没未找到过自我,希望别人不要再重蹈她的覆辙。里面独白的那段尤其好,摘录如下:

You know what paradise is
It’s a lie
A fantasy we create about people
And places as we’d like them to be
But you know what truth is
It’s that little baby you’re holding
And it’s that man you fought with this morning
The same one you’re going to make love with tonight
That’s truth
That’s love
另一首是三位帅妞唱的,叫《Nothing in the world》,不多说了,自己听听看就知道。